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My own personal newborn shoot 12 years ago


These are the only photos of my son, Doug, that I have ever hung up. Over the years Doug has loved seeing himself surrounded by love, this tiny little bundle in our arms. Forever frozen in time at about three weeks old. So small in comparison to my husband’s hand. For the past 12-years, it has been placed above our bed. The above photos have been scanned from the original as at that time I was unable to purchase the original digital photos

Quite frankly, those early weeks were a bit of a blur of sleep deprivation, nappies and struggling to breast feed so I am eternally grateful, I have this shot to remind myself of just how gorgeous Doug looked and all his little features. I might have felt tired on the day, but undeniably it is a photo full of love. I never get sick of gazing at the prints and it was worth all the effort on the day of getting myself out of the house. Quite frankly, I would be heartbroken without them.

For Doug, it is tangible proof of his history and place in our family. There is a link between children growing up surrounded by images of themselves and developing their self esteem. It was great to also be able to show family and friends, who couldn’t always be here in person when Doug was very little.

However, if I have a regret, is that I didn’t get any professional close up photos of Doug when he was little. I had always admired photos taken by Anne Geddes since I was a teenager. She is one of my idols. I thought I would have lots of time to try to take photos in a similar fashion, but I soon learnt that time whizzed by and those early weeks soon flew. Quite simply, although I took lots of photos, I never got the chance to take those photos as I had imagined.

I would love to be able to take family photos of you together. My personal passion is to also include photographs that could be considered pieces of art of your newborn. Those beautiful curly, sleepy poses that are best achieved when your baby is under three weeks old. Pin point sharp images, with all those little features perfectly in focus with the ability to use the images on social media and share with family and friends on cards or to enlarge big enough to frame on a wall. When you look at those photos, I want you to feel like you are going back in time and can almost smell that newborn smell again.

My style is to work in partnership with you to achieve photos that you love in the style and colour schemes you prefer. I have priced my packages and my preference is to spend time setting up the photos and editing them, rather than spending time getting you back in to my studio to try to upsell to more expensive prints.



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